I frolic in my dreams with dead people

Dreaming about dead people is something I do frequently.

It’s not spooky but I do wake up a bit sad realising I can’t see dead people. My parents would be over a hundred years of age now so I guess they would be a bit fusty!

I like to think I have a few visions when I hear a tinkling bell I think my Mom & Dads are around.
When I have a serendipity moment I think of Helen is looking after me and when I see some of my flowers blooming I think of all the friends I have love and lost.

BUT, last night I went back in time and was down in Cape Palliser with my brother Kelvyn. We were fishing off the rocks and we were laughing as we pulled up these wonderful schnapper.

My brother. as he lay dieing I mentioned alternative healing which would mean restricting his diet and to stop drinking the gim he had consumed in large quantities and continued to do so.

He said ‘I’m going to die so why should I stop doing the things I like doing?”

A question worth pondering. Hmmmm now that I am old I am unsure if I would want quality or quantity.


About Futurist. Poet. Flash fictionist. EFTist. Writer of all things readable.

loving my grand kids the lights of my life. Numerologist always. EFT Practitioner often. Symbologist forever. Creative writer of all stuff every day. Fave quote: "You don't know what you don't know"
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